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(Română) Eveniment de promovare animalute la Hornbach Berceni – 23.11.2024
(Română) Thor
(Română) Cleo si Lena
(Română) Ana
(Română) Pitic
(Română) Delta
(Română) Sasha
(Română) Naty
(Română) Nalla
(Română) Konna
(Română) Lord
(Română) Voteaza pentru sterilizarea pisicutelor de pe strazile Bucurestiului
(Română) Afin
(Română) Milka
(Română) Babi
(Română) Beni
(Română) Urechi Negre
(Română) Ochi Blegi
(Română) Apple
(Română) Sofy
(Română) Nasuc
(Română) Dahlia
(Română) Griffin
(Română) Merlin
(Română) Zumba
(Română) Kalin
(Română) Elsa
(Română) Narcis
(Română) Lola
(Română) Obi
(Română) Camelia
(Română) Goldie
(Română) Matei
(Română) Voinicel
(Română) Brita – caz special
(Română) Bady
(Română) Yusha
(Română) Dusty
(Română) Piciorus
(Română) Athos
(Română) Ana (Taciunita)
Copy of
(Română) Lila
(Română) Chilli
(Română) Maya
(Română) Kasumi
(Română) Alex
(Română) Alvin
Date of birth: September 2020
(Română) Serghei
(Română) Razy
Date of birth: 2016
(Română) Poirot
(Română) Darlene
(Română) Phil
(Română) Elia
Date of birth: March 2020
This kitten has been abandoned, together with his brothers and his Mom, near a block of flats in Bucharest. Once a dog passed by them, their Mom defended them, but the owner of the dog came back mad, with death threats. Upon seeing this situation, a lady quickly took all of them inside her small house and called the ROBI association. They’ve been all rescued and reside in our shelter since then.
Max is a curious kitten that likes to give kisses. He is always coming so close to the camera, as if asking us to take nice pictures of him so that he can be adopted faster.
More pictures here.
(Română) Negrut
(Română) Shane
(Română) Ronna
(Română) Junior
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Redirect 3.5%
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
The tax system allows the individual taxpayers to direct without any extra cost, 3.5% of their income tax due to the state, to an NGO.
It is a system where citizens are able to directly decide what happens to their taxes.
The procedure is simple:
The 230 form with the Association’s data preset is to be completed by hand, in duplicate, with your data and the data of the organization which will receive the money. One copy is submitted directly to the Public Finance (financial administration you belong to) or at the post office, by letter, until May 25, 2021.
Attention! You must not complete the amount to be transferred. It is automatically calculated as 3.5% of the tax due to the state.
To direct 3.5% of your taxes for Robi Association, fill in:
Organization: Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor ROBI
Fiscal Identification Code (CIF): 13765439
IBAN code: RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
The tax system allows the individual taxpayers to direct without any extra cost, 3.5% of their income tax due to the state, to an NGO.
It is a system where citizens are able to directly decide what happens to their taxes.
The procedure is simple:
The 230 form with the Association’s data preset is to be completed by hand, in duplicate, with your data and the data of the organization which will receive the money. One copy is submitted directly to the Public Finance (financial administration you belong to) or at the post office, by letter, until May 25, 2021.
Attention! You must not complete the amount to be transferred. It is automatically calculated as 3.5% of the tax due to the state.
To direct 3.5% of your taxes for Robi Association, fill in:
Organization: Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor ROBI
Fiscal Identification Code (CIF): 13765439
IBAN code: RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
The tax system allows the individual taxpayers to direct without any extra cost, 3.5% of their income tax due to the state, to an NGO.
It is a system where citizens are able to directly decide what happens to their taxes.
The procedure is simple:
The 230 form with the Association’s data preset is to be completed by hand, in duplicate, with your data and the data of the organization which will receive the money. One copy is submitted directly to the Public Finance (financial administration you belong to) or at the post office, by letter, until May 25, 2021.
Attention! You must not complete the amount to be transferred. It is automatically calculated as 3.5% of the tax due to the state.
To direct 3.5% of your taxes for Robi Association, fill in:
Organization: Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor ROBI
Fiscal Identification Code (CIF): 13765439
IBAN code: RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
The tax system allows the individual taxpayers to direct without any extra cost, 3.5% of their income tax due to the state, to an NGO.
It is a system where citizens are able to directly decide what happens to their taxes.
The procedure is simple:
The 230 form with the Association’s data preset is to be completed by hand, in duplicate, with your data and the data of the organization which will receive the money. One copy is submitted directly to the Public Finance (financial administration you belong to) or at the post office, by letter, until May 25, 2021.
Attention! You must not complete the amount to be transferred. It is automatically calculated as 3.5% of the tax due to the state.
To direct 3.5% of your taxes for Robi Association, fill in:
Organization: Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor ROBI
Fiscal Identification Code (CIF): 13765439
IBAN code: RO16RNCB0073049952070001