Always together no matter how hard it is

Like you know, we struggle for some years to save as many death endangered animals as possible. It is hard to pass them by and ignore them, but it is even harder to take them and offer decent conditions to them. In order to be able to realize this objective we need a lot of money that, of course, we don’t have. So we need to improvise and use any kind of resources to offer the little ones we save the security of tomorrow.

For us and them it is very hard. Together we endure the heat, the frost, rains and mud. Every time we get to them and leave them we have a lump in throat. We cry for them, because they were born in Romania, because the state is not doing a thing for them and doesn’t stop them to be born in this world and having the same faith. We cry and try to help them. We leave the laziness aside and we are near them on any kind of weather even if our brains are boiling or our fingers are glued on the metallic fences due to frost.

Even so, we cannot continue in this manner for a long time, neither us nor them. First of all they need a civilized shelter where they are safe from the bad weather, they need spaces where they can be walked, they need to be visited and adopted; and with the conditions they have now, these objectives are hard to realize.

From these reasons we ask for your help. We wish to build a decent shelter and we can do this only with your support. Please donate for them here: or if you prefer more you can donate in one of the below accounts:

Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi CIF 13765439 BCR 2

RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001

EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005

USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004

Or using PayPal (available on our website

In the name of the dogs we take care of, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any kind of help.

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