Speedy is 3 months and a half old, has 10 kilos, he is deaf by birth and he cannot control his head position (it shakes a bit) and he needs URGENTLY adoption or at least foster care.
The puppy is healthy with the exceptions mentioned, he eats well, he is taught to make his needs in a certain place, he plays with the 4 kittens he lives with, with one of them he really bonded, better to say the cat adopted him, takes care of him, washes him and plays with him.
The person that took care of Speedy until now is left with no job, lives in a 1 room apartment with her daughter and her mother with Alzheimer, plus the 4 kittens and she cannot control the situation anymore so she told herself that she prefers to euthanize Speedy than to live him in the streets. Another person that is familiar with this case asked for help. The bad thing is that she already found a ‘vet’ willing to put him down.
It wouldn’t be a solution for this puppy to end up in the shelter and that’s why we ask your help to find him a family to love him and to take care of him for the rest of his life.
Speedy is very energetic and playful. The shake of his head can be seen only when he in focused at a steady point. In the rest he is absolutely normal as any puppy.
If you wish to adopt him please contact us at: asociatia.robi@gmail.com