Tom was adopted

Our beautiful tomcat Tom was adopted this evening. He didn’t seem stressed and understood that something good is happening to him. He was fascinated by his new family and very concerned to show them how loving he is. Thank you dear friends for taking Tom and also thank our volunteers who promoted Tom. Because of her, Tom gained a family.

Sandy arrived home

Now she is moving with a loan cart. Soon she will have her own carriage and she will move more easily.

Thank you so much that you made it possible for Sandy to survive and to travel to her new life, because she HAS a LIFE. I want to thank the person who adopted her, Hill de Boer, who gave her a chance at life.

Chrissi, the fur ball on the side of the street

After a long working day at our shelter your thoughts are only about a hot shower and a good meal. Unfortunately what you plan cannot be fulfilled all the time. 
On our way to Bucharest we found a beautiful female dog, in an unpopulated area, waiting on the side of the road. The cars passed fast and she was still waiting…We got along from the first moment and she showed us that her biggest wish was to be taken from there.
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Small Bubu

Bubu is one of the pups taken from Rosetti Square. 

He is the smallest of them all the pups from that paper box, he weights approximately 2 kilos and he is 1 month and 2 weeks old tops. Today he was taken to the vet, he had some shots to recover his strength and his sneezed a bit. So are the two little girls, who are now at our volunteer Corina, healthier, Continue reading

Lizzy and Cercelus adopted together

Lizzy and Cercelus are two of the 40 cats that need urgent adoption.
Today they received a great surprise, a new family able to love them as much as they were loved and will be loved by mister M., how many days he will have.
Thank you dear friends because you took them together. Adapting to a new life with a new family and a new home will be easier for them. We are looking forward to hear news about them and we hope the news will be good.
We wish you to enjoy them a long time from now on. Continue reading

Robi Association at the event organized by Petrom

Petrom held Wednesday, February 27 a new event for its employees, in which they were invited to support the non-governmental sector by redirecting the 2% tax from their income from 2012. Robi Association was among the guests of the event, along with 40 other associations. We had the opportunity to interact with more than 2,500 employees who were in the office at Petrom City and to present both our achievements in 2012, and our growth plans for 2013. Continue reading

URGENT! Foster for a female dog and 4 puppies

A mummy and 4 pups need URGENT a temporary home. They are now on a land without any construction full with garbage, surrounded with a fence. The small ones may get out through that fence and they are exposed to the risk of car accidents. We offer for them food, deparasytation, vaccines, and of course we shall promote them for adoption. The mum will be neutered as soon as she will stop feeding the pups. She is gentle. If you can provide a home for the little ones please contact us at:

Mishu- lost or abandoned

We found Mishu this morning, 28/02/2013, closed in a pen of puppies from Gradina Icoanei park. Do not know if it is lost or abandoned, but that does not change his situation. It is male, about a year and a half, 5kg, tidy and sociable. It is currently in a courtyard of a building, where we hope to not upset anyone.

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