Found dog

This female dog has been found in Herastrau Park/Nordului area, yesterday, November 1st. She is wearing a red collar. She is very scared. I kindly ask for the owners or anybody else who might give me details about them, to contact me at 0724148934. Thank you!

Help please, Donate!

It’s cold and rainy outside and our cats are huddling. Although they have a heater inside, they are still outside enjoying a little bit of sun. For us autumn comes with worries. The gas and electric bills are raising and they must be paid on time, the yard is full of pits and it’s very hard to clean it, therefore we need to have it consolidated or to find a more lasting solution for it.

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Poisoned dogs in District 3

District no 3 has started the autumn “cleaning” in their specific style. Why we have laws? Why do we have organizations that exist and struggle to sterilize and to find homes for stray animals?Where is the civic consciousness?

Does it matter that someone mocks public money?

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Mopy the energic cat

Mopi or the little tornado is a two speed kitten. One in which she is relaxed and likes to purr and kisses you with her tiny nose and the second one in which she runs around the house, jumps at any shadow, at anything she may find in her way. The best toy remains a plain bottle cap.

She is still available for adoption and we think she will be real glad of a playmate.


Lost dog

Alehandra was lost 10 days ago and we hope that someone finds her and she will get back to her owner.

She was lost in the Romaero area- Chitila Str.- Grivita Str.

Reward offered

Please contact 0722 237 233 / 0764 556 335

How some mayors handle the stray dogs?

Received via e-mail:
I would like to tell you a horror that occurred today in theAlba Iulia Squarearea, onBurebista Blvd.from our capital. The dogs that lived near the church at the crossroad are lying dead in the trash bins; and every dog from the area as well; the doormen from the blocks say that they were poisoned last night by the city hall workers.
 Such cruelty in the middle of Bucharest!
Please make public this story! This is how they understand how to make an electoral campaign on behalf of some innocent souls!

You should be ashamed! ‘

Furry with disabilities or loving furry that needs a chance?

To save an animal found in a critical situation doesn’t mean everything. He is truly saved when he arrives at his new home next to his appropriate owners. Because of the large number of animals in the streets and the hard situations they sometimes find in it is too late for us to do anything and so some of them remain without a leg, an eye or they remain partially paralyzed. 

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The fluffy arrived at their home

The fluffy little kittens were adopted together. Even if it took some time it worth the wait. These fluffy kittens will stay together and beside that they will have two new friends to play with, a female dog that loves cats and a tomcat.

We thank Tabacu family for helping the little ones stay together. We wish you all a long and happy life.

We are eager to receive more news and photos of the kittens in their new home.