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Day by day activity
(Română) Andy va multumeste pentru sustinere.
(Română) Fiona a fost adoptata.
(Română) Oita/Azorica acum patru ani cand era inca acasa.
(Română) Porcusorul Gutzy a fost adoptat.
(Română) Motanelul din Rm. Valcea cu doua labute rupte.
(Română) Pisica furata in Bucuresti
(Română) Pisica pierduta din zona Giurgiu/Luica in Bucuresti
(Română) Dl. Gruia Habor un exemplu de omenie.
Rest in pace
Wonders happen. Woolly and his owner re-found themselves
It says that “if you really wish something, that thing will happen”. Well, it looks like, after we posted the case of Sheep, his owner, which lost him, saw him, recognized him and she couldn’t believe that he was still alive. Today she paid him a visit at City Vet, was convinced that he was her lost dog and she cried of joy. Sheep still remains hospitalized, until the moment he’ll feel better, and his owner can take him home, only after he’ll be sterilized.
Monday, the owner will send us photos of Sheep from the time when he was at her. Also, Monday we’ll bring you fresh news.