(Română) Zuluf a ajuns acasa.

zulufWe found Zuluf on a road in Bucharest. She was calm, as if she knew what would happen to her. Click here to see her state when we found her. 

Without the dirty fur, the little one now has a new appearance. 

And in the end, luck was on her side, because she was seen, liked and adopted by a young lady that now spoils her and takes good care of her. Take a look at Zuluf at her new home, in the arms of her owner. Just watching them together fills you with joy.

News from Aki. This is possible in Romania as well

akiAki is a puppy that was adopted in Bucharest about 6 months ago and his firsts months of living were really hard. As a really small pup he was abandoned on a field together with his 2 brothers, we took them in our care and because they were very small, a female dog that we looked after in that time, adopted them because she as well gave birth on a field. She treated Aki and his brothers as if they were her own pups, gave them milk, even if she was a small sized dog, the Pekingese type, and really hard gave milk to all 9 pups then. Continue reading

Rott needs a family

Rott was probably abandoned because of his illness. He has cancer and, unfortunately, no treatment can help him. His overall condition is still good. He is a joyful dog, loves going on walks and has a great appetite ( would have eaten non stop since we got him) so putting him to sleep is out of the question for now. When he will start to feel sick and in pain, Rott will be put to sleep to spare him any suffering. Untill then, it would be great if he is adopted even for the few months he has left to live.
It would be ideal if he were adopted by someone that can provide a yard and can take him for walks. For a short time at least, he should know what being loved feels like, what having a family really means so he can leave at peace.
If you wish to brighten what’s left of his life, if you want to be there for him and love him, please contact us : asociatia.robi@gmail.com
Thank you on behalf of Rott.

Ursulet needs help

ursuletTeddy Bear, the beautiful shepherd dog of 7 years old only is not eating anymore, it is not drinking and it cannot stand on its legs. Its owners took it to a veterinarian where it was diagnosed with dilofilariosis. The blood analysis showed that Teddy Bear is healthy. After the treatment it started to feel even worse because its owners could not afford to pay and they could not see any positive results, so they asked for your help. Continue reading