Toby is home

tobyToby has lived in our shelter for several years and has always had socialization problems. Untrusting of people, although he has been with us since he was a puppy, Toby could not be caught easily. This year, a volunteer from Germany came to the shelter, saw him and fell for him despite all the risks and decided to adopt him.
Toby is now at home and his new owner has already begun educating our skiddish pup. We wish them good luck and hope to receive more good news soon. 
The first news were great and full of hope that all will be well no matter how long it will take to make it so.

Step by step, Toby’s new life:

Clara-a brave adoption

claraClara is one of the puppies we picked up from the streets a long time ago. She and her siblings are all very skidish and difficult to handle. Recently, Clara was adopted in Romania but the adoption turned out to be a failure. She was left to run free in the yard so she did what she knew best. She dug holes in the ground, she chewed up the trees, howled waiting for her friends in the shelter to respond and never let herself to be touched. So it didn’t take long before she ended up back in the shelter. This experience made us skeptical about giving dogs with this kind of temperament up for adoption.
But Clara received a new request and this time it was from abroad. Continue reading

German shepherd mom, unknown dad, ‘pure’ mixed breed puppies!

pufosenieRemember the german shepherd that gave birth on the sidewalk in Berceni neighborhood

Well, the puppies grew up and turn out to be 5 gorgeous pups (3 male , 2 female)

The person that helped with the foster and decided to keep the mother has informed us that she cannot keep the puppies for long.

The puppies are now one month and a half, have been dewormed and had their first vaccine. They will grow to be medium-large sized.

In case you are interested i one of them, please contact us : and attach a picture of the puppy you wish to adopt.

Thank you.

Kitty/ Molly adopted far away from Romania

kittyWe had Kitty in our care since she was a two month old puppy. She has now been adopted far away from Romania and it has been the best thing that ever happened to her. Each and every news we receive from our adopted dogs fill us with joy and we truly wish that the adopters from Romania would send pictures and stories about their pets. Unfortunately, we get more news from the ones adopted abroad. We hope this will change. Until then, just look at how good Kitty (now Molly) is adapting in her new loving home.
Thank you very much for the news and photos and for the care and love you show Molly!

Arya for adoption

aryaArya had the chance of being adopted but, unfortunately, it didn’t last long.
The puppy was brought back for ruining the entire house.
We still hope that someone with patience will fall in love with her and adopt.
If you are willing of welcoming Arya ‘Chew-It-All’ in your life please contact us at:

Negruta (Blackie) on the road to nowhere..

negrutaNegruta was found at the beginning of year 2013. Her condition was far from good, as she suffered an injury on her back leg. She was extremely scared but still gentle. A lady noticed her in the area for a few days, made friends with her and managed to catch and take her to the vet. The dog was also treated with the world’s best medicine : love. When things started to lighten up for Negruta, her rescuer got sick, fell and injured her leg making it impossible for her to walk.

Continue reading

Oldie’s trip.

moshulcaThis is Mosulica’s (Oldie’s) story. The dog lived all of his life (15 to 20 years) at Titan depot, Bucharest. He had an accident and because he received no medical care, the bones healed wrong. Later on, he had a new serious accident and we were called and asked to help.

We took Mosulica / Oldie in our care, took him to the vet where underwent surgery and then returned him to his lifetime home. But he couldn’t stay there anymore so he arrived in our Robi’s shelter. He was promoted for adoption and THE WONDER HAPPENED! Continue reading

Sky, 17 days with mom

skyWe are sure you remember little Sky’s story. This little doggy only spent a night in the shelter. He received many adoption requests and was adopted by Panduru family. Sky is still under treatment, was vaccinated and after he finishes all his shots, he will go under surgery to amputate his partial leg that is causing some pain. He will also be neutered, chipped and registered, and all of these costs will be supported by us as promised.
Thank you from all of our hearts to Ms and Mrs Panduru for loving and taking sucj good care of Sky. He is overwhelmed by all the love and adores his new family as you can clearly see.
May you have a happy life filled with joy!