How long will we wait?

Allya, Dax, Babs and Kiki are anxious to meet their new owners. The puppies will soon be 4 months old, they are pretty, well developed, playful and full of life. Their mother, Kiki, a very intelligent and well behaved dog, is also waiting for a chance to live with a good family.

If you like one of them please write to us at:

ATTENTION, SHOCKING IMAGES! Sad ending for a cat

We don’t know what happen with this unlucky cat and how she end up in a container with resin. We do know that she suffered a lot and that all our efforts to save her were in vain.
We know that there is a need for a law that can protect cats as well. In the first law proposal, that we collaborated and that was initiated by ex-senator Marius Mariunescu, there were laws that protected the cats. Continue reading

Husky Cross and 2 puppies – for adoption

While the authorities are busy inventing the most absurd solutions to reduce the number of stray dogs, for instance trying to pass a law to fine (5000 RON) the people that feed the strays, irresponsible owners continue to abandon their animals without fear of being fined at all, even though for this crime called ABANDONMENT there is an article of legislation and a right punishment: PRISON, according to the Law for the protection of animals no 9/2008. Continue reading

Donate a can – 27.04.2013

Thank you dear friends on behalf of our proteges that you made really happy with your delicious donations and because you were next to us at this edition of “Doneaza o conserva”. Your support offers us courage and hope, we are convinced that in this way we will be able to save more!

We continue to neuter

sterilizariNobody likes seeing stray dogs in the streets. Some because they consider them aggressive or messy; others because they realize the lives of these dogs is often short, and involves enduring huger, cold, thirst and complete lack of affection. 

We hope that soon all of us will be fighting for the same cause, namely minimizing the presence of homeless animals in the streets as much as possible. Continue reading

Lady a fost externata si acum asteapta sa fie adoptata.

Lady este una dintre cele 40 de pisicute ale domnului M

Micuta a racit si a fost nevoie sa fie internata. Acum se simte foarte bine si e gata pentru adoptie. Cu parere de rau am dus-o inapoi in casa cu prea multe pisicute si n-a parut prea incantata. Cat timp a fost internata a sperat ca viata ei s-a schimbat dar n-a fost sa fie.
Pisicuta este docila si dornica de afectiune. Continue reading

Sigur ca e vina ei! A cautat-o cu lumanarea!

La ce se poate astepta un veterinar cand cineva intra cu o punga de plastic in cabinet
Probabil nu la “uite, mi-a cazut pisica de la etaj, cred ca are piciorul rupt si as vrea s-o eutanasiem”. 
Radiografie? Operatie? Nici vorba! 
Nu dau eu banii pe asa ceva! (spuse doamna cu parul facut permanent). Si da, e vina pisicutei. Pai ce a cautat sa sara pe geam? Ce, eu nu pot sa stau toata ziua cu geamurile inchise! Acum, asta e, eu nu dau banii pe operatii si alte alea, dar tare mila mi-e de ea s-o vad asa, saracuta, ca tare o mai iubesc, un an de zile am ingrijit-o! …. A, si eutanasia costa? Continue reading

La Multi Ani Oana

De curand a fost ziua ei, dar noi ceilalti n-am reusit decat sa-i uram un “la multi ani” scurt, pe fuga. Si totusi, Oana merita mai mult. Este unul dintre putinii oameni care si-ar da si sufletul pentru animale si le ajuta zi de zi, de multa vreme, iar de la adapost e nelipsita, weekend de weekend. Nu stim cum si unde gaseste puterea, dar chiar si atunci cand pe noi ne mai cuprinde disperarea, ea-si pastreaza zambetul pe buze si merge mai departe. Iti multumim, Oana, ca esti cu noi, si-ti dorim multi ani bogati si plini de impliniri!