We often heard that stray cats have their way of getting around and the fact that they are living on the streets presents no danger to them. In our experience, this theory has been, obviously proved wrong countless times.
This cat was found Sunday evening lying on the sidewalk, surrounded by dogs. She cannot move her back legs and crawls in order to move. She is covered in bite marks all over her face and back. Most probably the victim of a car accident or a hateful blow, she would have had no chance of surviving on the streets.
The person that chose not to pass by indifferently and stopped to help took her to the vet where it was discovered that she had kidney failure and kidney stones. Because the costs of the investigations for her spine and further treatment were beyond her rescuer’s possibilities, she asked for our help and the cat is now in our care, hospitalized at dr Bercaru’s clinic. She will undergo several investigations to see what her chances of recovery are and what is to be done next.
All of the special cases that we take on are in desperate need of financial support.
If you wish to help, please donate:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439 BCR 2
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
Or use the online Paypal service (you can find it on our websitewww.4animals.ro)
Thank you again for the help given to the animals in our care.