Gyn is a little young cat, has just few months old, who was probably abandoned. Faith hasn’t been to god to him, he had an accident and because of that, he will be left without one paw. One of his paws was crushed and its reconstruction would be impossible and also useless (Gyn isn’t feeling his paw anymore). So, the kitten will be left with just tree paws because the broken one must be amputated.
Gyn was hospitalized at dr. Bercaru’s Veterinarian Clinic and already gets medical care. When brought in, his condition was very bad and had a very high temperature – 40 degrees.
This little cat needs financial support and once he will get better, a new home.
If you wish to help, you can do so by donating in the following available bank accounts:
Robi Association for Animal Rescue.
CIF 13765439 BCR 2
RON account: RO16RNCB0073049952070001
EURO account: RO05RNCB0073049952070005
USD account: RO32RNCB0073049952070004
Or by PayPal (available online at )
If you wish to adopt a little cat that loves to give kisses even though he will have just tree paws, please contact us at
Thank you once again for all your help to all the little animals we attend.