What chances can just a shadow of a deadly thin dog, full of demodicosis and with a chopped off leg have?
He was walking on the ring road, probably to escape the crowded areas where everyone was shooing him here and there. The things he’s endured, the kicks he’s received because he is sick, with scabies, the times he’s searched in garbage for a bread crust; the rainy, cold nights he’s spent on the edge of the road in Bucharest….- only his soul knows about these. The way only he knows how it felt to have the leg chopped off and the power he has had to heal and carry on. We only know that, despite the things that have happened, he still hasn’t lost his trust in people. When he saw us stop the car he stood still, a little shy and awed that somebody is paying attention to him, and then, gently wagging the tip of his tail, he came towards us, limping on three legs. He’s small like a pup but he’s one year and a few months, and his eyes are painted blue with brown. We named him Sky.
He will spend the night in the shelter but he probably won’t survive too long there. He has almost no fur to keep him warm during night time and he’s having a hard time walking on three legs through pallets. He has a big need of a temporary, warm home, of vitamins and good food.
Sky was already dewormed and has received the first treatment for demodicosis. If you can welcome him in your home, we provide for him the whole, necessary treatment.
If you wish to support him and many other dogs we’re taking care of, you can donate to the account:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi (Robi Animal Protection Association)
CIF 13765439 BCR 2
RON Account: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
EURO Account: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
USD Account: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
or through the online PayPal service (available onwww.4animals.ro)
Thank you once again for the help given to the animals we’re taking care of.