News in the knee operated female dog case

catelusa cazareShe was kept in temporary accommodation until a day ago and she behaved very well. If there is someone who would like to keep her until she recovers or adopt her please let us know.
Here is what the people that kept her till now told us:
“She is doing very well and happier day by day. In the morning she greets us with a happy wiggling tail.
She pees outside almost of the time, except at night when she pees a little on her blanket. She is not fully adapted to walking with a leash and she has some difficulties with the stairs. I think that this is likely due to the lack of confidence than to physical difficulty, you can easily see that she is a sensible dog. We carry her in our arms as we are going down the stairs because she doesn`t do that on her own. When we are outside, at first she seems a little frightened but then she walks calmly alongside us. She is still shy and not fully confident but that changes day by day.
If you would like to help her or adopt her please contact us at